Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

The difference (Loneliness and isolation)

Prayer-alone-Dohle-webLoneliness is an experience that the vast majority of people go through; perhaps all but there is no way of knowing that.  There are people who experience aloneness all of their lives, but who are not necessarily isolated.   Those who have faith, who seek to deepen their understanding of what their tradition tells them, have a valuable tool in dealing with being alone.  Faith can give a point, a place to stand from that can give meaning to their experience and in doing so, it does not devolve into isolation.  It is not an easy path, but many walk it and in so doing become loving human beings, who happen for many reasons, beyond their control, to be alone in life. 

The Christian path is the only one I am really acquainted with and it is a path of seeking to deepen ones loving relationship with the Infinite and an ever increasing sensitivity to graces promptings.  Solitude leads to a deeper life, and allows the specter of addictions that many use to deal with being alone at bay, or if not, faith gives a way in dealing with failure and to begin again.  Mercy is always a call to begin again, no matter how often failures is experienced.  It does allow victimhood to take hold.

A loving relationship with God and an understanding of the true meaning of “love of self”, leads to compassion for all who walk the same path, and ones prayer life can be dedicated to praying for all who suffer in a like manner.  Prayer is not about being alone, but on a deeper level to unite with all of mankind in our solidarity of suffering.

I believe that there is a level in all hearts that experience this aloneness and it is the infinite that can only fill it.  All of our emotional needs could be satisfied, yet there would still be that deeper experience of being separate, alone, and yes, at times isolated.  Being rooted in God gives a way in dealing with that by an ever deepening experience of infinite love.  For many this is nonsense, but for those who experience it, and the healing in their lives, it is a reality.



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