Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

See Christ in your neighbor


There was in the Cells an old man called Apollo. If someone came to find him about doing a piece of work, he would set out joyfully, saying, ‘I am going to work with Christ today, for the salvation of my soul, for that is the reward he gives.’

With regard to receiving the brethren, the same abba said that one should bow before the brethren who come, because it is not before them, but before God that we prostrate ourselves. ‘When you see your brother,’ he said, ‘you see the Lord your God.’ He added, ‘We have learnt that from Abraham, (cf. Gen. 18) When you receive the brethren, invite them to rest awhile, for this is what we learn from Lot who invited the angels to do so.’ (cf. Gen. 193)


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