Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

What Christ Jesus is calling us to

healing-Jesus-Dohle-webIf you want something and it is good, you have to open up for it, reach out and move forward. Like in the spiritual life, to grasp God’s love and mercy, conscious acts of love and trust have to be made, often expressed against a current that wants to sweep you the other way. Death to self is not about morals, as important as that it, it is about a turning around, looking with the eyes of Christ,… and seeing and experiencing from a new place, point or perspective, whatever term works. Love of self demands the ability to look within and to not hate what is seen, but to use that which causes us pain and worry as a door into deeper prayer and compassion and empathy for all. Without that, we can become bitter, hard, narrow and can become someone to be avoided. Love opens us up, fear closes us down….choose life, open up, don’t believe what your innards seek to tell you at times. To be fully human, is to be fully alive, that is what Christ Jesus is calling us all to.

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