Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Bright flame

Dohle-anger-rage-webSometimes it can’t be helped, two world views collide, for many reasons, some too
deep to understand.  Yet we still try, rifts come into play, words spoken,
emotions flare, and two people walk away from each other thinking the other wrong.
Sometimes the divide is simply so wide that no bridge can be built,
the reasons can be hidden, terms can be used,
mental illness, personality disorder, stubborn, thickheaded,
thought by both parties, sometimes true, though often not,
for labels are based on subjective experiences colored by the past,
so more often than not, the truth may never be found,
or perhaps no one is to blame, it is just life, when world views collide.
Sometimes they can’t, then others simply won’t, then again there are those who don’t care,
again for reasons often unknown, buried deep within the soul,
beyond finding like buried treasure in a sunken ship deep below in the depths of the ocean,
hidden beneath the silt and barnacles that cling for dear life.
Sometimes frustrations can be great, all parties enchained by anger and yes pride,
self induced blindness to protect weak egos too easily shattered,
when self aggrandizement is too painful to relinquish for naked truth,
for truth is a fire that cleanses everything to the bone,
all falsehood turned to ash after a bright flame of inner pain embraced.
Sometimes there are those who have the courage to embrace the truth
As for myself, well I have yet to do that,
don’t know how or perhaps I simply fear the searing fire,
the smoke and ruin that must come
before new life is possible.

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1 Response

  1. A great article on why we all just can’t get along…