Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Prayer to the Trinity

trinity_rublev_webYou, therefore, God the Father, by whom as Creator we live,
You Wisdom of the Father,
by whom we have been made anew and taught to live wisely,
You, Holy Spirit, whom and in whom we love, and so live happily, and are to live yet more so,
You, who are Three in one Substance, the one God, from whom we are,
by whom we are,
in whom we are,
You, from whom we departed by sinning, to whom we were made unlike,
but away from whom we have not been allowed to perish,
You, the Beginning, to whom we are returning, the Pattern we are following,
the Grace by which we are reconciled,
You we worship and bless!
Th you be glory for ever!

William of Saint Thierry


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Categorised in: Benedictine Wisdom, Prayers and Devotions