Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Evangelize with honey, not vinegar

ArchbishopDolan_webBaltimore, Md., Nov 17, 2013 / 04:09 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Christians should be warm, and so invite people into relationship with Christ and the “yes” of the Gospel, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, says.

“Evangelization means attracting people to the person and message of Jesus Christ,” Cardinal Dolan explained to CNA Nov. 12 during the  U.S. bishops’ general assembly in Baltimore, Md.

“If they fall in love with Jesus and the Church, then we can begin to do a lot of the conversion and the tough moral teaching,” he continued, adding that  “we can never turn our back on those.”

Cardinal Dolan was outgoing president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops at the assembly; his successor in the post is Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville.

The cardinal pointed to the teachings of  St. Francis de Sales , saying that “you attract a lot more people with a teaspoon of honey than with a teaspoon of vinegar,” adding that “anything that we can do to be human, warm, compassionate, joyful,” will help evangelization efforts.

“The old philosophers will tell you ‘good always attracts’,” Cardinal Dolan continued, adding that “anything that we can use to attract” others to the good of the Gospel will serve to evangelize the world.

“If we come across as negative and crabby and mean and judgemental, we’ll turn people away. If we come across as embracing, engaging, warm and inviting, we’re going to get them in.”

The Church’s teaching is itself an invitation to goodness, Cardinal Dolan continued.

“We have to remember what Pope Benedict told us: the Church is in the business of a big ‘yes.’”

“A yes to everything that is noble and liberating and decent and uplifting in the human project. The only time the Church says no is to something that negates human dignity, and two ‘no’s make a ‘yes.’”


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