Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

The desert will feed you

GUERRIC_D_IGNY_webIf you have fled away to remain in solitude, continue to stay there; wait there for the One who will save you ‘from pusillanimity of spirit and the storm’. However much the storm of battles may assail you, however much you may feel the lack even of sustenance in the desert, do not because of pusillanimity of spirit return in mind to Egypt. The desert will feed you more abundantly with manna, that is, the bread of angels, than Egypt with its fleshpots. Jesus himself fasted indeed in the wilderness but the multitude that followed him into the desert he fed often and in a wonderful manner. And much more frequently and in an even more wonderful way will he satisfy the needs of you who have followed him into the desert.

Guerric of Igny


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