Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Ash Wednesday

Palm-Ash-Lent-webThe palms once green
used in procession to honor the Christ
before his passion began,
are now black ashes,
their life having run it course,
sitting before us asking us what we see
in the dark silent fruit of their now extinct lives.

So placed on our foreheads
in prophetic utterance they speak,
pointing to our future,
choose wisely how you live your life
what you love,
that which you seek.

Ashes to ashes
dust to dust
yet it is love that remains
for in loving we live out the image
in which we are made.

For God is kind to the unthankful and evil,
such is image we are made in,
to mirror to the world the living Christ
within our hearts.


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Categorised in: Br. Mark, Poetry