Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

At times

BrMarkDohle-webThere are some situations in which the human conditions is experienced in all of its angst and pain. At times communication just cannot be achieved; an impasse is reached, even if both sides have good will. Some times it is simply too much emotion, at others it could be cultural, and then, well, it just happens with no reason involved at all. Sometimes language just can’t bridge the divide.

Letting go of such predicaments can be very difficult, at times impossible, for we have an inbuilt need to be heard and understood. So when this cannot happen it can drive some to distraction. When in fact what is needed is to simply admit limitations and move on. Amazing, how something so difficult, can sound so easy and simple.

For the one outside looking in, perhaps it looks easy. However for those involved it can be a maze than cannot be figured out, leading to ever growing frustration, each side blaming the other, when in fact at times there is no blame at all.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO


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