Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Why the Psalms

David-Psalms(The Church) recommends the Psalms to her priests, her monks, her nuns, and her lay people, in order that they may have “the mind of Christ”, in order that they may develop an interior life which is really the life of the Mother, the Church. It is by singing the psalms, by meditating on them, loving them, using them in all the incidents of our spiritual life, that we enable ourselves to enter more deeply into that active participation in the liturgy which is to keep to the deepest and truest interior life. If we really come to know and love the Psalms, we will enter into the Church’s own experience of divine things. We will begin to know God as we ought. And that is why the Church believes the Psalms are the best possible way of praising God.

Thomas Merton, OCSO
Praying the Psalms, Page 9



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