Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

St. Bernard on Free Choice

Bernard-of-Clairvaux_webFree choice is something clearly divine which shines forth in the soul like a jewel set in gold. From it the soul derives its power of judgement, and its option of choosing between good and evil, between life and death, in fact between light and darkness, and any other concepts which are perceived by the soul as opposites. It is the eye of the soul which as censor and arbiter exercises discrimination and discernment between these things, and arbiter in discerning and free in choosing. It is called free choice because it is exercised in these matters in accordance with the freedom of the will. By it a person can acquire merit; everything you do, whether good or ill, which you had the choice of doing or not doing, is duly imputed to you for merit or censure. It is only we humans who have not been dominated by nature, therefore we alone among living creatures are free.

Bernard of Clairvaux


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