Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Wisdom teaches all things

WilliamStThierryBy its anointing, wisdom teaches all things. Then, by having affixed the seal of God’s goodness to us, it imprints and conforms to itself by this anointing everything calmed and gentled within us. If it finds any hardness, any rigidity, it pounds and crushes it until this person, having received this wholesome happiness of God and having been strengthened by the spirit of wisdom, joyfully sings to God: ‘The light of your countenance, O Lord, has shone upon us. You have given gladness to my heart’. For this also is why the Lord says: ‘This is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent’. O blessed knowledge, wherein is contained eternal life!

William of Saint Thierry


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