Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Prayer to St. George, Martyr

StGeorge-webO most praised and holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker, Saint George! Look down upon us with thy speedy help and implore the Man-loving God that He not condemn us sinners according to our offenses, but that He treat us according to His great mercy. Despise not our prayer, but beseech for us of Christ our God a quiet life pleasing to God, health of body and soul, fertility of the earth and abundance in all, and that we not turn to evil purposes the good things granted by thee from the All-merciful God, but that they may be for the glory of His Holy Name, for the glorification of thy mighty intercession. May He grant God-loving soldiers victory over the enemy, and may He bless our land with unchanging peace and prosperity. May He guard us at our departure from this life from the snares of the evil one, that we may stand uncondemned before the throne of the Lord of Glory. Hear us, O passion-bearer of Christ, Saint George, and pray for us without ceasing unto the Master of All, God in Three Persons, that by His Grace and love for mankind, and by thy help and intercession, we may find mercy and may stand with the angels and archangels before the All-glorious Judge, unceasingly praising Him together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Orthodox Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr George
(from the Akathist Service)



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