Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Who is obedient

Basil-the-Great-web_2One of the old men said, ‘When Saint Basil came to the monastery one day, he said to the abbot, after the customary exhortation, “Have you a brother here who is obedient?” The other replied, “They are all your servants, master, and strive for their salvation.”

But he repeated, “Have you a brother who is really obedient?” Then the abbot led a brother to him and Saint Basil used him to serve during the meal. When the meal was ended, the brother brought him some water for rinsing his hands and Saint Basil said to him, “Come here, so that I also may offer you water.” The brother allowed the bishop to pour the water. Then Saint Basil said to him, “When I enter the sanctuary, come, that I may ordain you deacon.” When this was done, he ordained him priest and took him with him to the bishop’s palace because of his obedience.’


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