Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Night sky

Dohle-night-sky-webIt was about two thirty in the morning when I took my walk,
I often do when I know that I can’t go back to sleep,
and I so love the dark and the beauty of the night skies
so walks at that time are second nature for me.

Stars above, clear and close, awake in me a home sickness
or perhaps a longing for I know not what,
then again, perhaps am afraid to look too deeply into the matter.

The silhouettes of the bare branches against the night sky
always a great source of beauty for me,
the lines etched on the horizon truly works of art,
better than any man or woman could sketch
always bring me a sense of rightness of balance
allowing my mind to rest in the simple moment.

This morning I saw five shooting stars
something unusual for me
perhaps I was just more attentive
yet I was thankful for the privilege of seeing it
for it is easy to appreciate something rare,
the common place a different question entirely,
for it is common to take for granted beauty always there.

Perhaps it is only children who truly experience joy
simple happiness with existence,
then it is lost as maturity makes it way to the fore,
hopefully to regain it as the years fly by,
yet then the joy would be deeper,
and the delight more lasting,
for with age comes the knowledge of temporality,
when that learned it is life that is rare,
moments only come once,
so nothing taken for granted.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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