Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Feast of the Magi (Epiphany 2016)

Epiphany002-webOutside of the Jewish faith, three men who sought wisdom all the days of their lives, seeking the light, truth and wisdom, followed the Star over the land facing danger, discomfort and even death.  O Lord, that we may also seek truth and wisdom without rancor towards others and not allowing fear or anxiety to keep us from our journey.

As the presence of Christ filled the cave in Bethlehem so let us as well see the presence of the Christ Child in all that we meet. Free us from the tyranny of self hatred and that which flows from it, the terrible burden of judging others with contempt and ridicule, when we lack the love of self that Jesus commands.

Let us be fearless in seeking truth and embrace all that we meet on the way who seek with us, even if like the Magi, they are ‘outside’.  In Christ Jesus we are one, barriers of separation are built by man.

Help us Lord to seek wisdom, to ponder our faith and allow it to lead us into deeper communion with you, lover of our souls.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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