Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

The beauty of people

Dohle-personal-retreatant-HolyWisdomMonastery-webWhen talking about the beauty of people, it is of course something that is based on personal experience. I believe that when people come to a Monastery, or some other place to become more centered, or to get close to God….and as well as working through some particular problem, they come with an openness that is chosen before they arrive. Even if the choice is not completely conscious; placing them in a place of humility. Meaning that their defenses are down and they simply want to be listened to. Or if they do not want to meet with anyone, to be allowed their space

People do not often understand their courage in dealing with their lives. I guess the people that show that to me most intensely, are those who make a decision to use the 12 steps in helping them to get their life together. They speak honestly and take responsibility for their lives. They speak truthfully and in my opinion are very child-like, in the way the Christ calls us all to be. A child is open and transparent. An ‘adult’ is the opposite of that. Many mask are worn, it just depends who one is with. These are of course needed, but if there are not times when we can be ourselves and speak truthfully we can begin to feel isolated and misunderstood. We can never assume that people get us….unless we speak out.

I am touched by the beauty of people, by their desire to heal, and their longing to be seen, listened to and yes loved. When speaking to me, many do not understand why their relationships with those around them seem to be improving. By that they mean, that those they live and work with do not bother them so much. What people don’t often understand is that the more they understand themselves, the less they need to deal with it in those around them. To understand oneself is to understand others, to know of ones inner struggle, is to grow in compassion and empathy for the struggles of just about everyone.

Then the experience of inner healing and the love of God are understood to be the same for everyone. The love of God is universal, healing comes from ones openness to truth and the willingness to let go of defensiveness and making oneself a victim. It is never easy. Both the roads to a deeper trust in God, or the road to self absorption and fear, have their own species of pain and struggle. One leads somewhere, the other is walking on an endless treadmill going downward. There is no limit to the ways that grace works in ones life. You evaluate a life by its fruit not by what someone says they believe or do not believe.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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