Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Super Bowl Doritos Ad Upsets Pro-Choicers for “Humanizing Fetuses”

baby-smiling-webA Doritos advertisement shown during the Super Bowl has sparked controversy over its possible implications for abortion.

“I’m buying Doritos!” prominent pro-life filmmaker Jason Jones wrote on Facebook. “Best pro life commercial ever.” He added: “Babies are the star of this super bowl!”

The chip maker’s advertisement featured a woman pregnant in her third trimester getting an ultrasound. Her husband is nearby eating Doritos, which the the ultrasound reveals is attracting the attention of the baby in the womb. What happens next is a bit strange, so we’ll let you just watch the commercial to see for yourself if you want (video below).

The pro-choice organization NARAL Pro-Choice America was dismayed by the ad, tweeting that they didn’t like “that Doritos ad using [the] anti-choice tactic of humanizing fetuses.”

#NotBuyingIt – that @Doritos ad using #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses & sexist tropes of dads as clueless & moms as uptight. #SB50

— NARAL (@NARAL) February 8, 2016

Lots of people responded to NARAL’s tweet on Twitter, pointing out the obvious fact that fetuses are in fact human already.

Doritos is getting slammed for humanizing a fetus? What do people think human fetuses are? Puppies? https://t.co/vSTDgCna9T

— Mike von LaLa-land (@Haag_N_Daz) February 8, 2016

Madness. A human fetus is a human. The baby does not need “humanizing.” https://t.co/v3W924FyCR

— Father Brian O’Brien (@frobrien) February 8, 2016

@NARAL @Doritos lol a picture of the fetus is humanizing it ps guys thats just how it actually looks sorry biology works against your cause

— Samantha Markus (@samantharmarkus) February 8, 2016

Here’s the ad (warning: while there’s nothing immoral, it’s a bit intense!):


original source


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