Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

To change the world

Dohle-hands-webTo change the world we must be good to
 those who cannot repay us. ~Pope Francis

When Christians forget that Christ identifies with all we meet; especially those who are overlooked and considered unimportant, it is then when we are absorbed into the cultures that we live in.  When that happens, our ability to make change for the better lessens or is even lost.  When unconscious of the dignity of all whom we meet, we will treat them as objects, or things, to be moved around and used, or discarded if they get in the way.  When we take away the dignity of people, they become lost to us, we do not see them.  Or if we do they can be little more than stereotypes.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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