Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

This might be a rant, not sure, let me know

Dohle-religion-webI was having a conversation with a man who called himself a ‘freethinker’. It is a funny term; seeming to imply that they are the only ones who think for themselves and that everyone else is I guess a ‘un-free-thinker’. Sort of like being a un-cola drink; were-in something important is missing, like intelligence. We all follow a certain thread in our lives that deal with our beliefs. Or to use a current popular word…we follow a narrative. Which is the best one? Well I guess the one we each follow.

He made some statements about Christians and believers in general that I found ignorant and shallow, so I told him so. It seems that having contempt for those who think or believe differently is the laziest and easiest way to go, it takes little thought, some strong reactions and of course stereotypes also help.

When two belief systems meet and talk, both sides can be enriched. When they collide the worst is brought out and there is little if any communication; both live out their most degrading stereotypes when shouting happens.

I am tired of religious fundamentalist of any religion who take it upon themselves to pick out certain biblical or whatever holy book they use, certain texts and then make that the end all of faith. I am tired of being pigeonholed. Perhaps we all are. I am also tired of so called free thinkers (again some of them) with their ideas of being smarter, stronger and wiser than the rest of us. When in fact they often sound like they are simply in a bad mood all the time because others don’t think like they do. Of course if they did, then they could not feel special. That is quite a quandary.

Don’t get me started on the simplistic black and white ideas that the right and left have for each other. Of course I understand this tendency, for I am guilty of it myself, being human and all. Why the fact that I am writing this strongly supports that. Perhaps it is because of the internet and the instant news and the magazines on the rack that constantly repeat the same debates, with just different players that can be mind numbing.

If you are an atheist, good for you, but the atheist I know aren’t smarter, or more rational, or braver than any believer I am aquatinted with. If you are a stone-cold-fundamentalist, fine just leave me out of it. If you want to share and talk fine, but if you seek to bludgeon me or attempt to with scriptures, I will probably let you know what I really think of your ideas that seem only to harm others instead of bringing them the Gospel message. If you are a free-thinker, then good, allow me to think for myself without a condescending attitude that seems to be a knee jerk reaction from ‘some’ who call themselves that. Many make the term freethinker an oxymoron from the way they seem to lock step together. Yes, I will try to do better as well. If I see it others, it is because I have it myself.

From time to time people will come up to me in the retreat house, though it is rare and wonder why we allow ‘unbelievers’ here. Or non-Catholics, and my favorite, Democrats into our retreat house…it really can get silly. Of course those who don’t like rain, or not welcome here…joking of course…or am I? Just don’t tell me if you hate rain when you come. It could get ugly.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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