Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Talk is cheap

popefranciswithjewandmuslim-web“A Christianity which ‘does’ little in practice, while incessantly ‘explaining’ its teachings, is dangerously unbalanced”—Pope Francis

People need to share what they believe with others. If done in a respectful manner people tend to listen, even if they do not agree with what is being said. I like to hear what others believe or don’t believe in. However to constantly bring up what is believed over and over again in a condescending or disrespectful manner often happens when the faith or philosophy being trotted out is more of a vendetta towards others and a desire to control through fear or shame. Fanatics no matter what they are pushing are pretty much the same…better to leave them to themselves.

Our conversations with one another can help broaden how we see others if done in a manner that is a give and take. If it is done otherwise, things break down pretty quickly. All one has to do is to watch many debates, usually just talking heads repeating over and over again arguments that really don’t change anyone. There are a few exceptions; very few and those debates are a pleasure to watch. For instance I love to listen to John Lennox when he debates others. He is always respectful and does not descend to ad hominem attacks.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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