Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Two kinds of scandals

Dohle-he-she-webEach soul is the object of My special love.
That is why I am so grateful to those who are
resourceful and bringing back sinners to Me.
Keep this in mind then. I gave My life for them in
the most atrocious torture, for these poor beloved ones.
A humble repentance and they are already on My heart.
So speak gently to them. Speak with tenderness.
A brusque remark could drive them farther away.
—He and I March 6th 1947

Some people have a hard time understanding what the revelation of Jesus revealed about God. We can read about the life of Jesus and how he treated others as well as pondering his stories and parables without getting very far in comprehension.

God communicates with us in language we can understand. However the experience of what is being shown us in Jesus Christ is something that each soul will experience for them-selves, I believe sooner or later.

So the first scandal is trying to understand something that is beyond our ability to express and experience in its fullness while here in this realm. It is the revelation about how each of us is loved by God in an infinite manner. The lowest of us, the least of us, the most-wicked of us, is loved by God. Each human being is sacred.

The second scandal that goes with this mystery is how I can often fail to treat others based on this reality. How can I love what is unlovable, or cruel, or someone who is out to harm me? This failure is understandable, but the scandal comes from not even trying to deepen my understanding of all those ‘beloveds’ of God that surround me every day.

It is only the life of Christ Jesus, his Heart that can allow me to grow into any kind of semblance of God’s love. When I surrender into the Infinite Ocean of love, it is then that I am filled to whatever my capacity is at the time, to show Christ love to those around me. This capacity grows. Until one day, I will arrive through God’s grace and healing, into a life that becomes mine, through seeing with the eyes of Christ, the true identity of those around me. It is not based on an act of will, but on a beginning over everyday on the long journey into everlasting love and union with God, and with that, union with all of creation.

One day my excuses not to love will drop away and it is then that my life will truly begin. In time I believe, we will all arrived at the “One Day” I believe and when that happens begin to understand the meaning of ‘grace’, ‘mercy’, compassion’ and ‘empathy’ that is shown us in Christ Jesus our Lord. For he shows us the Father; the Infinite Light…the deep longing that we have for love and our seeking it, is I believe an answer to the call of grace, that is not bounded our owned by any tradition, for all are sacred and beloved of God. The Spirit really does blow where it will, to the chagrin of many who would like something tame and easy to control.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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