Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

People on the fringe

Dohle-cat-internet-webWhen speaking about people who are on the fringe we will all think of different types of individuals. People on the fringe for me are ‘normal’, just a little further out than most of us are. They can be very interesting, lovable as well as irritating and very difficult to communicate with. Yet most of those I meet are seekers after God. In fact some have been deeply wounded in their love and seeking after a deeper, loving more trusting relationship. Fringe people often have trouble making friends, though many know them, tolerate them, and even love them; they often feel misunderstood and marginalized. I would suppose fringe people have those they think on the outer edge as well. Or maybe most of are on the outer rim for some of those we know and love. Sometimes I do get ‘that look’ from my friends.

I was talking to one of the retreatants who has very intense spiritual experiences and was worried about having them, because they were not ‘normal’. I responded that the brain is there to keep the veil in place, to keep the wider world toned down or invisible, so that we can live our lives without too much distraction. Some people don’t have that. If you can work around others, get along, and keep your feet on the ground, your fine. Lots of people have intense experiences and simply keep them to themselves.

As Christians we are called to learn how to ‘see’ others with the eyes of Christ Jesus and in doing that our ideas of ‘normal’ change, as well who we think are on the fringe. I have a sneaky suspicion that we all are on the outer rim, some of us just have more company than others.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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