Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

A Woman Prophet

Dohle-woman-van-webOne of the brothers asked me drive him to the International airport to pick up a monastic guest. He has never been there and does not know the city too well, so I was glad to do it. It was also the one day a month that the community helps a woman out who lives in town. I go to Kroger usually on the last day of the month or one of the first three days. So today was my day to make my ‘run’. It takes about an hour, no problem and the community has known this woman for almost 30 years. She has some difficulties but is a strong woman in her own right. She does have a lot of interior struggles and lives in a long stay motel. She stays up and hopeful and I admire her for her courage and faith.

So we left early, so I could do this errand.

As we were pulling into the Kroger parking lot here in Conyers, I noticed a large van, painted black; probably 15 years old are so. It was covered with writings in large white paint. The sayings were about life, and how sacred it is. She had pleas for adults not to sexually abuse children, for husbands and wives not to abuse each other and a statement about having compassion for the women in the army who have been raped while over seas at war.

I was taken back at first, for it was quite a shock to see this in a parking lot at Kroger’s. I walked over to the Van and read all of the quotes for I was fascinated by it. At first I thought that this woman or man might be suffering from a great deal of past abuse and it was a plea to be listened to and seen.

So we went in and got what I needed. Some prescriptions and a few items that I always get for the nice lady we help. When we finished and were going back to our car I noticed the van pulling out. As it came close I decided to flag the van and it stopped and when the window came down I saw a beautiful, middle age woman behind the wheel. She gave me a very warm smile and asked what I wanted. So I told her that when I first saw the truck I was taken back, but after reading the message I thanked her for bringing these issues out in such a way that it would get people who would normally not think about this at all, to perhaps consider what she had written.

I also asked her if she had some sort of ministry. She said no, but felt called to do this on her van. I thanked her and she smiled and drove on. I was touched by her gentle bearing as well as the love and compassion that were present in her smile. I believe people like this woman, who are often poor and unnoticed, are often used by God to speak out in a way that can shock….like the Old Testament prophets did.

Was she crazy? No, just a woman in touch with a thread in our society that she felt compelled to say something about. How else could she be heard, how else could God use her voice to perhaps reach just one person, to get them to rethink the situations and maybe reach out to those they know who are in trouble and need help.

In any case, I was thankful for this unexpected blast of reality about this woman’s deeply felt concern.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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