Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

I love Georgia

Dohle-Georgia-webI like the cold, not like in the North of the country, but around 40 degrees or so. I like to feel my bones chill, it is so easy to breathe, I feel good. It is even better when a cold rain comes pouring down, just rain, and no snow. For as much as I love rain, I hate snow very much, don’t know why, but if I never see it again, I will be very happy.

I get sick in the heat, high humidity makes it worse, I feel nauseous, weak and irritable, like a piece of wilted cabbage. Rain relieves it, but the humidity can come back and kick me in the ass for sure. I love Georgia, so it is worth putting up with the heat, but when fall comes I am a very happy camper.

I am also not much a fan of the Sun, been burnt too often, so I shy away from it. My brother told me once that I looked like I was always sick, or perhaps a vampire. I laughed, for the sun or the thought of it makes my skin crawl, though I have yet to burst into flame when I venture out into it, perhaps one day. Though I don’t think I will ever want to drink blood; no I like the real thing, Coca Cola. Yeah I am a true citizen of Atlanta all right; Coke rocks! Pepsi is for sissies, for it taste like a coke that has been open too long, also too sweet for my taste, and it does not burn as it goes down…….nah Pepsi is for losers.

So here I am in a state that I love, Georgia, yet it gets way too hot in the summer, and to top it off, no rain, or any real rain for a couple of years, am I loyal or what? Or perhaps just stupid…..

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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