Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Like eating glass is the refusal to forgive

dohle-glass-webI was talking to a guest a few months ago and she asked me what I thought caused the most suffering for people. Not sure the term ‘what causes the most suffering’ can be answered since we are all different in how we respond to life experiences. I do know that what causes a great deal of inner pain is the refusal or the inability to forgive and let go. For me it is like eating glass, which causes spiritual hemorrhaging as well as affecting the body.

The saying “that time heals all wounds” can be true if a desire to forgive is present. In seed form at first, it is enough, though it takes time for that desire to bear fruit. Emotional wounds like any other kind of wound takes time to heal. To refuse to even desire to forgive only increases bitterness and suffering, while the one who did the harm may not even be aware of the situation at all.

When we pray, we are in the presence of Infinite Love, if we continue to pray and deepen our connection with God this will transform us over time. For the desire to forgive opens up the floodgates of grace.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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