Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

When our journey begins

dohle-journey-run-webOne of the biggest issues that come up with people on a spiritual path that is theistic is their own projections onto God. We project on to each other all the time and it can cause serious issues in relating. If the projection is positive or negative, it can have the same result, a break down of relationship…why? Well because it is not real, there is an actual person beneath the projection and no real friendship or marriage can happen until that is dealt with. The same goes for our relationship with God. Our projections onto God are actually idols. Both the positive and negative, in the former we wish to make God into an image that will not demand, in the latter we seek to placate.

In the Christian faith, God is love and by the stories and parables that Jesus shared with us, he shows that the love of God is way beyond human concepts or experiences of love. In the story of the Prodigal Son the Father did not wait for the son to even confess, he tried, but the Father swooped him up in his arms in love, compassion and mercy. However in the story, we really don’t know if the son will stay or not. We always have the freedom to do and go where we want. That is the nature of God’s love.

When we understand that the love of God can’t be bought or earned, then our journey really begins. It is like human relations (well sort of), once we break through the projections, fears and desires, then love breaks through and the depth of the friendship or marriages that can be developed is unending.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery



the soul is made for truth,
yet truth is not something that can be owned
nor forced on others.

revelation accepted
is formed by the vessel which receives it,
that is where abuse flows,
from the deep well of human limitation
before the infinite.

something without end nor beginning;
no depth
for there is no bottom,
no height,
for there is no ceiling,
on ward forever and ever.

terms have no meaning when talking about such things,
yet that is all we have,
how can it be understood
or even preached,
for in the doing limits are created
by a minds finite.

Perhaps it is best to live it,
its teaching for all to see,
yet powerful.

taking like writing is cheap,
it is in the living
where truth is experienced;
that which we all seek and thirst for;

after the living,
then the teaching will take root
and blossom.

in end it is all grace,
for love not freely given,
or received,
is not love,
just compulsion.


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