Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Clinton Campaign Chairman Plots “Revolution” with the Church

20161014_cath-webIt has long been the position of this website to promote Benedictine spirituality and stay away from the various debates among political parties in the United States. Recent information released from Wikileaks as made it very clear, however, that there are elements within the Democrat Party and specifically the Clinton campaign attempting to sow the the seeds of dissent within the Catholic Church here in the United States. Since it is also the highest obligation of all Christians to defend the faith this article is being posted.

Specifically a newly leaked email shows Hillary Clinton’s current campaign chairman John Podesta and Sandy Newman casually discussing formenting a “Catholic Spring” in the Catholic Church. “Catholic Spring” is code for revolution, a word actually used by Newman.

“There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic Church,”

writes Newman to Podesta in an email titled “opening for a Catholic Spring? just musing.” In response, Podesta assures Newman to rest easy for he and others have already created organizations explicitly designed to infiltrate the Catholic Church with progressive ideology, though he cautions that the time may not be right.

“We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up,” Podesta writes.

It has always been the most deeply held believe in the United States that religious freedom is bedrock core value of the nation. The openly discussed plotting of a “revolution” within the Church by a presidential candidates’ own campaign manager should give every Catholic, for that matter every Christian, pause. At a minimum Mrs. Clinton should fire Mr. Podesta. But the more concerning revelation is that there are elements within the highest levels of her campaign plotting to undermine the teaching authority of the Church and forment conflict within her. This cannot be tolerated.

How did we drift so far in the thinking of this nation from where it was founded where even the “musing” of this type of intervention should even be tolerated? Just think about what was said at the founding of the nation:

Samuel Adams: Driven from every other corner of the earth, freedom of thought and the right of private judgment in matters of conscience direct their course to this happy country as their last asylum.
John Adams: Nothing is more dreaded than the national government meddling with religion.
George Washington: “I have often expressed my sentiments, that every man, conducting himself as a good citizen, and being accountable to God alone for his religious opinions, ought to be protected in worshipping the Deity according to the dictates of his own conscience.”
Thomas Jefferson: I consider the government of the U.S. as interdicted by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions, their doctrines, discipline, or exercises.

And now we have people in politics actually trying to undermine the intergity of the largest single Christian denomination in the country. We have been asleep — Sleepers Awake or we, like Rip van Winkle, may wake up to a nation we no longer recognize.


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