Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Philadelphia Archbishop: Hillary Clinton is a ‘Scheming, Robotic Liar’

chaput_webBreitbart News: Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput has echoed a burning indictment of Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, calling her a “scheming, robotic liar with a lifelong appetite for power and an entourage riddled with anti-Catholic bigots.”

Reacting to recent Wikileaks revelations that show Hillary’s campaign team mocking conservative Catholics and boasting of subverting Church teaching, the Archbishop penned an article blasting the Democrat machine and suggesting that as bad as things have been under Obama, Hillary could make them worse.

Despite the immense “cultural damage” brought about by the current White House, Chaput writes, with the “contemptuously anti-Catholic emails” of Hillary’s campaign team, “bad can always get worse.” In fact, in the view of many people, Chaput had written earlier, Hillary “should be under criminal indictment.”

Chaput quotes at length an email he received from a non-Catholic attorney, who assured him that these “bigots are actively strategizing how to shape Catholicism not to be Catholic.”

“They are, at the very core, trying to turn religion to their secular view of right and wrong consistent with their politics,” he quotes. “We have political actors trying to orchestrate a coup to destroy Catholic values, and they even analogize their takeover to a coup in the Middle East, which amplifies their bigotry and hatred of the Church.”

This week’s leaked emails included boasts by Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta that he had set up two phony “Catholic” organizations in order to bring about a revolution in the Catholic Church.

In his article, Chaput writes that he had had personal experience with members of one of the groups, Catholics United, who came to him in 2008 trying to convince him to downplay the abortion issue.

With their “servile partisan hustling,” the Archbishop writes, Catholics United helped “elect an administration that has been the most stubbornly unfriendly to religious believers, institutions, concerns and liberty in generations.”

Referring to a Wikileaks email from the Hillary camp railing against Catholics’ “systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations,” Chaput notes that “it would be wonderful for the Clinton campaign to repudiate the content of these ugly WikiLeaks emails,” which he knows will never happen.

All of us “backward-thinking Catholics who actually believe what Scripture and the Church teach would be so very grateful,” he declares.

The Archbishop is no fan of Donald Trump. He appropriates the words of a “friend” who describes the choice facing voters in November as between “a vulgar, boorish lout and disrespecter of women, with a serious impulse control problem” and “a scheming, robotic liar with a lifelong appetite for power and an entourage riddled with anti-Catholic bigots.”

Still, when November 8 rolls around, one Catholic prelate has made it clear he won’t be “with her.”



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