Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Priests for Life: Comparison of Party Platforms

priests-for-life-web(Reposted from September). There has been a lot of information distributed through the media and the internet on the different positions of the candidates on the issues, particularly those issues that have an impact on Christians. Priests for Life provided a comparison of the positions of the different political parties and candidates relating to the following issues:

Human Life
Planned Parenthood
Religious Liberty
Climate Change/Global Warming
Education/School Choice
Sex Education
Medical Research
Foreign Assistance

You can download a printable copy of the comparison here.

Further information can be obtained at:


Click to access voters_guide_for_serious_catholics.pdf


This posting should be construed as an endorsement for any particular candidate or party. It is provided so that you may make and informed decision after prayerful discernment of the issues.


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