Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

The Gift Giver’s Grace

dohle-sunrise-web“Everyone has something to teach me and to give me.
Everyone has gifts from God to give to me;
I made the choice to accept these gifts”.
(Gail Bardis)

In order to truly receive what others have to give is not always easy. It means that we are not sufficient unto ourselves. To accept the gifts of others makes us vulnerable, for in order to receive the door has to be left open. When we allow others to give to us, we also participate in their healing, for to give out of true friendship or compassion can only happen if someone is there to receive. The gift that others bestow on us is not something that is deserved but a grace that we as humans can present on each other. To give only and to not receive from others is a form of control and in the end brings forth little fruit. To give without the ability to receive often leads to resentment for love cannot be experienced from others unless we are willing to make ourselves, our hearts open.

The greatest gift, which is freely given, is the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ. In order to receive this gift our hearts have to be open and vulnerable. In accepting we open up the flood gates of God’s love into our hearts. When we give out of true love and compassion, we are allowing Christ Jesus to work through us. In allowing others to grace us with their love, their gifts, we are allowing them to minister to us as well. In this often uncaring and cruel world we can become the arms of Christ Jesus, embracing all, and the feet of the Lord in help others, and in speaking, we seek to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in our interactions and our service of others.

The Short of It

time flies,
days rush by,
years are a blur,
you can’t hold on to a second,
take nothing for granted
for life turnes on a dime;
so live,
it will be worth it,
all else is dross worthless in the end
for what we take with us
is love,
all else is burned away.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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