Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

A journey of growth that is eternal.

dohle-senior-dance-web“Ponder these words: He and I. Live them. I and you: I in you.” He and I, Gabrielle Bossis (Pauline Books)

The pull of love is towards union. Our hearts desire it and as well fears it. To let go means dropping many obstacles so that the beloved can enter in. The deeper the love the more longing there is for union. Good friends can always get closer; the only barrier is trust, which is an immense one. To love another person is also to serve them, be there for them and to sacrifice for them if necessary. So Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, he became a servant and could not be their Lord unless his disciples allowed Him to wash their feet; as he related to Peter. The Lord is always flipping reality for us. Love is a grace if it is freely given no matter the cost. God love is also given without need of payment, all we need do is to open up our hearts to this realty. Intimacy is a dance of two souls, as well as a dance between the finite and the Infinite. Yet we must learn to trust and to allow that which is beyond form or comprehension into our finite hearts and minds, for a journey of growth that is eternal.


The soul if allowed to be it’s true self,
each unique,
will respond to the rhythm of music presented,
the soul becoming ever more alive
as if God herself were caressing the soul,
allowing the joy of pure existence to flower for a time,
the soul bleeding with cosmic joy
blood running hot with ecstasy,
spirit and body one all clumsiness put aside,
lost in the joy of transcendent love.

Some fear such abandon,
perhaps they are wise
for the over concerned cannot move freely,
looking at their own feet in absurd concentration,
fighting rhythms influence.

To move to music a great gift accorded mankind,
people all over the world know of its charms,
dancing around in wild abandon
giving glory to the Lord of life,
allowing joy and life to flow
forever upward and outward,
gracing the world with its healing.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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