Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Advent and hope

“The season of Advent restores … a hope which does not disappoint for
it is founded on God’s Word. A hope which does not disappoint, simply
because the Lord never disappoints! … Let us think about and feel this beauty.”
—Pope Francis

There is a lot of glitter during the Advent and Christmas season. In fact, for the most part, Advent is not even averted too. Right after Thanksgiving, or in some cases sooner, it is the Christmas season. There is no mention of waiting, pondering, praying and seeking to understand the deep mystery of the Incarnation. The problem with glitter is that it soon becomes junk, litter and things to be stored in the garage, leaving emptiness in its stride.

“God with us” is what Advent is about, the waiting on Jesus, on God, who is truly coming but already here. In quiet and peace, the heart rests and finds joy. In loud noise, in endless entertainment and the mad flight from silence and reflection leaves the heart empty and cold and even more afraid of prayer and contemplation. For one who is afraid of inner silence, it can seem like an abyss of nothingness.

To take root in hope takes time and discipline, but the very desire to be rooted in prayer and in seeking the Lord is , in fact, the seedling of grace planted and only waiting for the heart to become open to the reality of Jesus Christ and the love that is at the bottom of the Incarnation.

When the expression “God with us” becomes real, the whole world changes, we see others differently and we find that truly, God’s Word (Jesus Christ) does not disappoint.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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