Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Around and around we go, the way off the merry-go-round is prayer

There is a tendency when talking about prayer, mediation and simple mindfulness, to try to reduce it to one technique. I find this interesting, since I do not really know anyone who actually prays that way. The word prayer for me incorporates just about all that tries to connect us with a deeper reality. As a Christian, the deeper reality is the Word… that which created all that is by a simple word, “BE” and it was. That Word I believe has been incarnated in the world as Jesus Christ. A revelation that shows us the true nature of God in the life of Christ, which is revealed as ‘Love’, which is of a nature that can be understood by us in part, but not in its totality. For humans love is based on many influences and needs and fears of being rejected or scorned. Trust is hard in the human sphere yet we all seek it, someone to trust totally.

Prayer is our response to God’s call and invitation. Personal prayer to a God who is other, yet who is also Infinite Love and who pursues all of humanity without exception or diminishment of intensity….it is beyond our human understanding. Yet we try to understand and in prayer as we open up our hearts more and more, we slowly begin to understand the width and depth of Christ love for us.

Trust and prayer go together. It is like saying “True love cast out fear”. What would that be like, to live without fear, with total trust in the Love that is shown to us in Christ Jesus? We would dance without ever looking at our feet, for our eyes and heart would be on the healing love of God, which is greater than our hearts, even if our hearts were to condemn us. For in prayer we learn of the power of the love of Christ Jesus has for us, how nothing can keep him out of our hearts, all we need do is to give our ‘Yes’ over and over again. Each time that “Yes” goes deeper into our soul, allowing the fire of the Holy Spirit to heal us. In prayer we learn not to fear inner or outer storms, to even embrace the deep suffering that all face in their lives and in doing that, we learn that truly in Christ we find our peace and our rest. For the tribulations of life united with Christ, do in face draw us deeper into his own sufferings, death and resurrection. Prayer allows us to face life, to live fully and to not run from its struggles as well as joys.

So we pray the best way we can. Sometimes we can pray with a joyful heart. At others times all we can do is to be silent before the Lord waiting for his touch. We say prayers, or read the psalms, or pray the rosary or use other tools that help us to simply ‘be’ in the Lord’s loving presence. Then finally, we learn the peace of loving with the Heart of Christ Jesus, and to be filled with his compassion for all.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


“Each soul is the object of My special love. That is why I am so grateful to those who are resourceful and bringing back sinners to Me. Keep this in mind then. I gave My life for them in the most atrocious torture, for these poor beloved ones. A humble repentance and they are already on My heart. So speak gently to them. Speak with tenderness. A brusque remark could drive them farther away. —Gabrielle Bossis from her book He and I.


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