Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

All of those I will meet today

This is my best day. I live to serve you, God. I will pray for all of
your children who will not get out of bed today because they died or
they are sick, or they are sad. Please help me to
be kind to and to love all of those who I meet today.
(From an essay by Gail Bardis)

To seek to live deeply ones faith gives a perspective that can make each day new because of being able to see below the surface. We can think we are alone. Yet Gail seeks to connect, or to remember her connection with everyone though Christ Jesus. We are in the body of Christ, since he became our brother, became human, and walked, loved, suffered, healed, showed mercy and compassion and died among us…..He rose, hence our oneness with him. The blood of Christ Jesus flows through our veins, our hearts are enclosed in his heart, and our minds slowly become one with his Infinite Mind. To allow this to sink in is to make each day truly “my best day”. The experience of being one with Jesus Christ, and through that with all of mankind goes way beyond transit emotions and all the other events in our lives. It is the bedrock on which we stand and that withstand any storm.

Where we walk in faith, Christ Jesus walks. When we see the other for whom and what they are, we see through the eyes of Christ Jesus. When we heal and embrace and console, it is our arms and voice that are the arms and voice of Christ Jesus. When we wound another, we wound Christ Jesus in others. We also wound ourselves deeply for the pain of the others is also our pain. We are all so loved; let us allow that love to fill our hearts so that we learn to love all because all are beloved of God.


Step by step

The spirit of man is deep
known only by God
best not to judge
but seek to simply love.

The path we trod can be dark
yet the process seems to bring us forward
our falls
sets backs
seem on to spur us on,
so step by step
fighting despair we continue
lead by grace
upheld by hidden love
we make our way through the inner desert

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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