Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Who is good?

I do not consider myself a ‘good’ person, but perhaps one who struggles with being good and have never succeeded.  Without Christ Jesus and his grace I would be not even close to someone who struggles to be good.  His mercy and love is truly astounding and when pondered is overwhelming. 

I do believe that if a person who is outside of the faith shows true love for others, who does for others without thought of reward points to something deep going on that is grace at its root.  In the Last Judgment scene in Matthew those who are invited into the kingdom because of what they did to Christ, did not understand what he was talking about, yet fact were invited into the kingdom.  Not because of what they did, but because of their response to grace, by showing true compassion for others.  I do believe that how Christ Jesus relates to all of his children is something that I have pondered all my life and how Infinite love as reveled in Christ draws others to the Father.  I don’t have it figured out, but yes, salvation is a gift can’t be earned.

In any–case I pray for the salvation of all, though I know that there are those who will not accept Gods mercy, so must enter through the gate of justice.  I do believe that in the end there is a choice against God’s grace for as it says in Timothy, God wills the salvation of all….to what length will the Lord go to save others I hope to learn one day.  Like Jesus appearing in the dreams of Muslims and bringing them to faith in Him, he knows his own and who will respond.  An open heart will respond to grace, a closed one will not…..makes me sad.

In the 1st Epistle of John he talks about those are in love are in God.  Those who hate are in darkness.  I do believe that the love of God that we are to manifest has no boundaries, but we are to love all, even our enemies.  To love those who love us is nothing really, but to love those who are ‘outside’ is a sign of God’s grace, for I know from experience from my own inner struggles to forgive and love those ‘others’, that it is only grace that allows this to happen and the power of the Holy Spirit that brings the healing to bear so that it can be done. 



I wonder if life is a test,
perhaps it is just a journey,
a mystery unresolved,
many questions unanswered,
so we do what we can.

The mystery deepens,
roots of our faith strengthen or weakened by life’s struggles,
so we do learn or perhaps not.

Wisdom can be seen on some faces
the eyes deep,
the smiles warm,
or other something else,
a hardness,
rage and more,
perhaps that also a part of the journey.

I really don’t know anymore,
that is a good thing,
I don’t have to judge anyone,
just continue
on my own journey,
leaving others to God,
which is much better than leaving them to me,
in my humble opinion.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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