Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Just Life

For to pray is to take root deeply in the ‘Living Water’ allowing mercy and grace to heal and wash us clean in the midst of ‘just life’.

Here is the September 25, 2016, message from Our Lady, Queen of Peace, given through Marija:

“Dear children! Today, I am calling you to prayer. May prayer be life to you. Only in this way will your heart be filled with peace and joy. God will be near you and you will feel Him in your heart as a friend. You will speak with Him as with someone whom you know and, little children; you will have a need to witness because Jesus will be in your heart and you, united in Him. I am with you and love all of you with my motherly love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”


There are studies on prayer to find out if they ‘work’ or not. As if prayer was something apart from our lives and the not the very breath of the soul. It is understandable why people think this, because when people speak of prayer it is often to ‘ask for something’ desired. Often what is prayed for is something good, loving and understandable. However, prayer is much more than that. For in all of our lives, we will all come up to situations that are painful, sad, and tragic and out of our control. Life happens and prayer is not some sort of magic formula that will make everything all right. It is in the human heart that prayer bears fruit even in the midst of the most trying and painful circumstances. For in prayer, those who actually do it for the love of God and not for ‘something’ will find peace and joy in the midst of great suffering.

No one likes suffering, it is never pleasant, but when we allow God to present Himself as ‘friend’ and even ‘lover’, it can change the texture of our lives and help us to understand that we are pilgrims and when on a journey many situations will present themselves to us. How we react from the heart is what we are about. For on our journey, we either grow in love and trust of God, or we allow bitterness and despair to take deep root in our lives. Or we seek to find some other ‘god’ to fill the inner void in our hearts that only leave us desolate in the end. In prayer, we become aware of the inner way that pulls us often in two different directions until we choose. Prayer allows grace to work in our hearts. For to pray is to take root deeply in the ‘Living Water’ allowing mercy and grace to heal and wash us clean in the midst of ‘just life’.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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