Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

The waiting

If you can be quiet enough,
attain an inner calm,
it is the reality of waiting,
of just being
that comes to consciousness,
though for what,
perhaps that is the question.

Being busy is a way of losing that awareness,
the absurdity of life
apart from the silent waiting
below the churning thoughts
and anxieties.

Is it death that calls us,
or perhaps something too good to be true,
perhaps our longings,
our deepest ones,
are spot on,
we are made for that love we seek
in all our restless wanderings,
and yes triumphs.

Yes perhaps we are loved
in a way we each dream of,
but have not yet achieved,
what if we are truly pursued,
infinite love seeking us all out,
breaking down the barriers
the walls we build,
until we finally surrender
to what we all seek,
though perhaps repress
in our ignorance.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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