Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Pentecost Sunday

holy_spirit_webToday we celebrate the living presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Fire burns away all that blocks union, until what is left is oneness; as coal is one with the flames that devoured all impurities. Fear keeps the gifts given to us at bay, so by the impulse of the Spirit we face our fears and grow in trust. Trust is like a flower opening to the Sun, when then happens our gifts, our aroma, spreads to others and in that we share in the Holy Spirits healing desire for all souls. Fire sears and cauterizes our wounds, then heals and wounds again…such is the work of the Spirit, “The Living Flame of Love”. The Holy Spirit cuts to the bone, cuts through flesh, evil flees and in the end the soul rest in silence before as well as one with God. We are all brought to the reality that we are to become other Christ’s, to become the heart of God in the world. It is not about corrosion, the will-to-power, no; it is about service to all men, women and children. The Holy Spirit leads us to see with the eyes of Christ. Our arms to embrace are Christ’s arms. Our feet our Christ’s feet, and even more importantly; our hearts become the Heart of Christ.

Come Holy Spirit, wound us and heal and wound again
until we truly are one with the Infinite Fire of Love.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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