Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC


Whatever comes into my mind is not true.
I accept that reality,
below rationality
the opposite is shown to be the truth in this matter,
there is a region that is really in control,
the emotional,
that make objective thought difficult,
perhaps impossible,
who after all is objective?

It is a struggle to be rational,
just look at the world around us,
the wars,
the hatred against those outside,
of course
we are all outside to someone,
we are all hated and feared by some others,
so a circle formed,
of fear
and prejudices,
leading us deeper and deeper
into chaos
and perhaps annihilation.

what Jesus said is the most rational way,
that of forgiveness,
placing no one outside
the outcast non-existent,
in reality we are all really one body,
to hurt another
is to hurt oneself,
to hate
is in reality to hate oneself,
what is done to another is really done to self,
Christ is really in the least,
in the outcast,
the one hated,
where contempt is piled on,
what if Christ
is the outcast of outcast
no others are needed,
only love?

Impossible perhaps
yet something to be strived for surely
for if not
we will reap the whirlwind.

Or perhaps it has already begun.



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