Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Dealing with reality

I wonder how this experience that we in the United States are going through will change things. I guess on an unconscious level I always thought that we would always be beyond what much of the world goes through. Yet here we are.

Even if more or less at peace, at least for me, there is a pall of concern that feels like a dark, cloud. I have to accept that, I am sure I am not alone in this.

It is good to keep tabs on the deep instinctive emotions and feelings that are always ready to surface. It is also good to keep in mind that life is always ‘iffy’, at this time, we just can’t pretend it isn’t.

Again, one’s faith can give meaning to what is going on. Which I believe is very important, for, without meaning, all we can do is drift, and fight for survival.

I talked to a good friend last night who is a doctor. He let me know bad it is where he is at. They have more deaths than being posted. The reason is the those who are dying were not diagnosed with the Carnivorous. Yet those who work in hospitals know better.

He told me he was worried about me, because of some of my underlying health issues, which to tell you the truth, shocked me. It was just hearing it stated by a good friend.

I guess this pandemic is forcing many of us to make a prolonged mediation on our mortality. Which is not morbid, but actually a very important aspect of life to dwell on from time to time.

All we can do is do the best we can, be calm, and then it will be over, if perhaps, things may not be back to normal.

Br. Mark Dohle, OCSO
Holy Spirit Monastery


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