Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Church News & Info rss

General Church news and information related to Benedictine community or teachings

Christmas in America: Belief in the Virgin birth and visits from Santa

WASHINGTON (RNS) Nearly one in three Americans, including many with no little children at home and those with no religious identity, say they pretend Santa will visit their house on Christmas Eve. Overall, 31 percent of  U.S. adults play up the Santa role in their holiday season, according to a survey released Wednesday (Dec. 18)… Read More ›


Paul VI’s “miracle” receives medical approval

The Medical Commission of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints chaired by Dr. Patrizio Polisca, Benedict XVI and Francis’ personal doctor, has called a healing attributed to Giovanni Battista Montini, Pope Paul VI, “unexplainable”. The alleged miracle will now have to be examined by theologians and cardinals before it receives the Pope’s approval. But… Read More ›


Pope Francis sends golden rose to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Mexico City, Mexico, Nov 22, 2013 / 02:10 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Cardinal Marc Ouellet, president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, presented a golden rose from Pope Francis to Our Lady of Guadalupe, calling the rose a sign of love, gratitude and enthusiasm. “Our hearts more than our heads know the debt of love… Read More ›


Pope Francis lays out his vision for an evangelical church

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In his first extensive piece of writing as pope, Pope Francis lays out a vision of the Catholic Church dedicated to evangelization in a positive key, with a focus on society’s poorest and most vulnerable, including the aged and the unborn. “Evangelii Gaudium” (“The Joy of the Gospel”), released by the… Read More ›


Evangelize with honey, not vinegar

Baltimore, Md., Nov 17, 2013 / 04:09 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Christians should be warm, and so invite people into relationship with Christ and the “yes” of the Gospel, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, says. “Evangelization means attracting people to the person and message of Jesus Christ,” Cardinal Dolan explained to CNA Nov. 12… Read More ›


Spread the Gospel with a peaceful manner

Mexico City, Mexico, Nov 16, 2013 / 02:24 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis’ video message to the pilgrims gathered in Mexico City today encouraged the faithful to spread the Gospel with a peaceful manner, as did Christ. “The task of evangelization requires much patience, much patience…don’t lose peace in the presence of discord.  And know… Read More ›


Vatican to put St Peter’s relics on display for first time

For the first time, the bones traditionally believed to be the relics of St Peter the Apostle will be on public display for veneration. Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelisation, said the veneration of the relics at the Vatican was a fitting way to conclude the Year of Faith… Read More ›


The Biblical Roots of the Sign of the Cross

Few actions so clearly distinguish a person as a Catholic in our culture as the Sign of the Cross. Contrary to what some Protestants would have you think, the Sign of the Cross dates back to the earliest times. In third century, Tertullian wrote, “At every forward step and movement, at every going in and… Read More ›


Pope Francis: There’s no sin that God can’t erase

  Francis says Mass for cardinals and bishops who died during the year. “Only human sin can break this bond, but even in this case God will always go in search for him to restore that union that lasts even after death.” Vatican City ( AsiaNews) – “Nothing will ever separate us from the love… Read More ›


Our bond with those in Purgatory

Vatican City ( AsiaNews) – There is ” a deep and indissoluble bond between those who are still pilgrims in this world”,”the souls in purgatory and those who are already in Heaven .” A “shared union” that should propel us to seek God’s help and that of our brothers in times of “insecurity, loss and… Read More ›
