Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

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General Church news and information related to Benedictine community or teachings

Materialism and Suicide

  With the economy here in a shambles and there’s little sign of any improvement ahead for most people.  So, in a society that values the material, it only makes sense that this news would bring more despair and increase the suicide rate. So, now we see this: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2207089/56-million-suicide-prevention-programme-launched-study-reveals-Americans-lives-die-car-crashes.html?printingPage=true What does this mean for addicts… Read More ›


New study finds rise in religious restrictions worldwide

Washington D.C., Sep 21, 2012 / 04:06 am (CNA).- Hostility towards religion has risen globally, both in the form of government restrictions and social attitudes, determined a new study by the Pew Research Center. Released Sept. 20, a report from the center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life warned that a “rising tide of restrictions… Read More ›


Cardinal Wuerl calls religion the ‘conscience’ of democracy

Washington D.C., Sep 13, 2012 / 05:03 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Since America’s founding, its people have understood the importance of religion as the conscience of the culture and necessary for a society to flourish, said Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington, D.C. From the earliest days of our country’s history, religion has been understood as… Read More ›


From the Front Lines: Gulfport, MS

For those of you who may be watching, as I am. I thought you might like to see some locals pictures of some of the flooding in Gulfport taken by my sister-in-law just about a half hour ago. Click on the pictures to enlarge them.


Incredibly Venomous Atmosphere Sparks Call for Return to Prayer and Scripture

The other day the Republican candidate for vice-president of the U.S. understandably and accurately observed that it is the most partisan atmosphere he’s “ever seen.” It is also the most rancorous. Fully nasty and sometimes profane and vicious e-mails twit about. Protesters spit at rallying politicos. Verbal abuse rides the airwaves. There are false accusations… Read More ›


The Truth About Pope Pius the XII

Former Spy Speaks on Plot to Frame Pontiff ROME, AUG. 16, 2012 (Zenit.org). By Edward Pentin- General Ion Mihai Pacepa is not easy to track down. He remains in hiding for his own protection, rarely gives interviews, and will only be contacted by email through an intermediary. As a former Romanian intelligence chief who defected… Read More ›


Olympic Cross aims to foster faith during games

London, England, Jul 26, 2012 / 12:03 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Catholics in England have created an Olympic Cross to help reach out to Olympians and attendees of the 2012 Olympic Games. “We wanted to create a keepsake that symbolizes everything the games truly represent, something we could then pass on to future Olympic host nations,”… Read More ›


Weekend course on Eastern Catholicism

On  Friday, July 27, and Saturday, July 28, Very Reverend Mark Shuey of the Ukrainian Catholic Church will offer a weekend course on Eastern Catholicism at the Catholic Parish of St. Vincent de Paul, 6828 Old Reid Road, Charlotte, NC, 28210. Fr. Mark’s presentation will focus on the Byzantine Rite and the Divine Liturgy of St…. Read More ›


Mysterious bones may belong to John the Baptist

A small handful of bones found in an ancient church in Bulgaria may belong to John the Baptist, the biblical figure said to have baptized Jesus. There’s no way to be sure, of course, as there are no confirmed pieces of John the Baptist to compare to the fragments of bone. But the sarcophagus holding… Read More ›


NASA Voyager 1 spacecraft nears interstellar space

Occasionally a post will be placed on the site because it reminds us of the magnificence of God’s creation.This article follows in that tradition. We are always trying to reach out — to people, communities, other nations, to God. I wonder if we ever stopped trying to reach what would happen to us as a… Read More ›
