Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Church News & Info rss

General Church news and information related to Benedictine community or teachings

Hill of Crosses

[Follow this link to view a three-dimension display of the Hill of Crosses.] Religious meaning The Hill of Crosses, where people not only from Lithuania have put crosses for couple centuries, witnesses faithfulness and trust of a Christian community to Christ and his Cross. This is an expression of a spontaneous religiousness of the people,… Read More ›


Texas Drought: Prayer needed

The meanest drought in modern Texas history looks different out here, away from the cities. There are no emerald swaths of St. Augustine lawns, no blooming shrubs, no misters cooling bar patrons as the sun goes down on another cloudless, 105-degree day. The disconnect between what rural Texans are experiencing and sheltered urbanites are seeing… Read More ›


Heroic New York priests vividly recall Sept. 11 attacks

New York City, N.Y., Sep 5, 2011 / 08:30 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Father George Rutler remembers the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11 attack as surreal. “The whole scene looked liked a black and white movie, with all the color drained out – that made it even harder to grasp that the shocking events were… Read More ›


Divine Mercy congress inspires quake-stricken New Zealand

Christchurch, New Zealand, Sep 2, 2011 / 01:50 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Catholics in Christchurch, New Zealand drew inspiration from a recent Divine Mercy Congress as they work to rebuild from a series of devastating earthquakes that have hit the country in the last year. “The blessings and graces which all received at the congress have… Read More ›


Raleigh diocese announces new Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral

Raleigh, N.C., Sep 8, 2011 / 12:55 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Diocese of Raleigh, North Carolina plans to build a new 2,000-seat cathedral, dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus, Bishop Michael F. Burbidge announced Sept.7. The announcement is a “monumental and historic moment in the life of the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh and the… Read More ›


Catholic Charities organizes help for Irene’s victims

Burlington, Vt., Aug 31, 2011 / 01:21 am (CNA/EWTN News).- As Catholic Charities agencies respond in the aftermath of the hurricane and tropical storm Irene, Bishop Salvatore R. Matano of Burlington has expressed his “prayerful support” for Vermonters suffering the storm’s effects. With the guidance of Vermont Catholic Charities, the Church in the state is… Read More ›


Hail and Strong Winds Damage Clyde Monastery

Late Friday evening, 19 August, high winds, hail, and perhaps even a tornado ripped through Clyde, Missouri, and damaged the historic monastery of the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. Fortunately all the Sisters were shielded from the flying glass, though the storm caused much physical damage to facilities. While all the damage has not yet been… Read More ›


Advice to homilists: Please get to the point in six or eight minutes

NEW ORLEANS (CNS) — For eight days at Loyola University New Orleans, three priests and five deacons absorbed the cool mathematics and internal symmetry of good preaching. Just as Moses descended from Mount Sinai with Ten Commandments chiseled on two stone tablets, the rules laid out by Father Roy Shelly and Deborah Wilhelm of the… Read More ›


Rare Rembrandt Exhibit Brings Jesus’ Image to Life

PHILADELPHIA (The Blaze/AP) — A new exhibit coming to the Philadelphia Museum of Art takes a fresh look at religious paintings, drawings and prints by one of history’s most revered artists. “Rembrandt and the Face of Jesus” debuts Wednesday in Philadelphia, after its three-month premiere run at the Louvre Museum in Paris. It’s the only East… Read More ›


Trojan asteroid tags along on Earth’s orbit

July 28, 2011|By Amina Khan, Los Angeles Times Turns out the moon’s not the Earth’s only traveling companion. Space scientists have discovered an asteroid that’s been following our fair planet for thousands of years, at least — and there may be many more where it came from, according to a recent study. If other so-called… Read More ›
