Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Church News & Info rss

General Church news and information related to Benedictine community or teachings

12,000 Years Old Unexplained Structure

Ancient history is turned upside-down with the discovery of a 12,000 year old civilization — before Mesopotamia. The discover helps date the Noah and the great flood at the end of the last ice age.


Unfrozen: Gospel Reaches the ‘End of the World’

YAMAL PENINSULA, Russia – Imagine living in a place where temperatures often plummet to minus 60 degrees and winter seems to last all year. In the northernmost parts of Siberia, Peter Khudi is braving the frigid temperatures to share the gospel with remote tribes. The Yamal Peninsula sits in the deep frozen Siberian Tundra above the… Read More ›


Number of priests growing worldwide, Vatican reports

Vatican City, Feb 11, 2011 / 05:35 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- There are more than 5,000 more Catholic priests globally in 2009 than there were in 1999, according to official Church statistics. The Vatican’s L’Osservatore Romano newspaper anticipated the news from the soon-to-be released 2009 almanac prepared by the Vatican’s Central Office of Church Statistics. The… Read More ›


Diocese of Rome launches John Paul II beatification website

Rome, Italy, Feb 8, 2011 / 07:15 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Diocese of Rome launched a new website in honor of the upcoming beatification of Pope John Paul II on May 1. The site, Karol-Wojtyla.org, is published in seven languages and offers news updates and background information on the late Pope and his cause for… Read More ›


Vatican Radio celebrates 80 years, focuses on digital future

Vatican City, Feb 11, 2011 / 03:13 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Vatican’s radio station is celebrating its 80th anniversary — with a nod to its distinguished past but clearly focused on the digital future that lies ahead. The station held a press conference at the Vatican Museums on Feb. 10 to mark the special occasion… Read More ›


Bring “truth, proclamation and authenticity of life” to the web

Vatican City, Jan 24, 2011 / 12:23 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Facebook, MySpace and Twitter should be used by Christians looking to bring “truth, proclamation and authenticity of life” to the web today, the Pope said in his message for the 45th World Day of Social Communications. In his message released on Jan. 24, the Pope… Read More ›


Pope to Catholics online: It’s not just about hits

(AP) – January 24, 2011 VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Benedict XVI told Catholic bloggers and Facebook and YouTube users Monday to be respectful of others when spreading the Gospel online and not to see their ultimate goal as getting as many online hits as possible. Echoing concerns in the U.S. about the need to… Read More ›


Facebook friends no substitute for real ones, warns Pope

Philip Pullella Reuters News Agency VATICAN CITY—Pope Benedict gave a qualified blessing to social networking on Monday, praising its potential but warning that online friendships are no substitute for real human contact. The 83-year-old pontiff, who does not have his own Facebook account, set out his views in a message with a weighty title that… Read More ›


Revised New American Bible to be released March 9th (Ash Wednesday)

Washington D.C., Jan 8, 2011 / 07:09 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The New American Bible, Revised Edition has been approved for publication and will be available on March 9, Ash Wednesday. The new translation aims for better accuracy, better adaptation to contemporary English, and easy singing or recitation of the Psalms. Cardinal Francis George, former president… Read More ›


Cassinese Congregation to unite with the Subiaco Congregation

The General Chapter of the Cassinese Congregation, meeting at the monastery of S. Giacomo di Pontida from 26 to 30 July 2010, voted in favor of beginning the formal procedure for union of the Cassinese Congregation with the Subiaco Congregation. This is in a sense a “re-union” since Subiaco Congregation began in the 19th century… Read More ›
