Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Church News & Info rss

General Church news and information related to Benedictine community or teachings

Summer is a time refocus ourselves on the Word of God

Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Jul 18, 2010 / 08:48 am (CNA).- Before Sunday’s Angelus prayer from the intimate courtyard of his summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, Pope Benedict XVI spoke of the need to listen to the Word of God. As Mary does in Sunday’s Gospel, we must learn to choose the “best portion” in our… Read More ›


Benedictine Influence on Western Civilization

22. All who are not blinded by prejudice but examine events in the light of history and judge fairly, must recognize what a beneficial influence the power and strength of the Benedictine Order had in that early period, and how many great benefits it conferred on succeeding generations. . . . the sons of Benedict… Read More ›


Oldest known paintings of Christian apostles rediscovered in Roman catacombs

Rome, Italy, Jun 23, 2010 / 01:21 am (CNA).- Archaeologists and restorers working at the Roman catacombs of St. Tecla on Tuesday announced the discovery of the world’s oldest known paintings of the apostles Peter, Paul, Andrew and John. “They’re the oldest images of the apostles and are datable to the latter half of the… Read More ›


Smartphone applications integrate prayer life with daily technology

By Gretchen R. Crowe, Catholic News Service. ARLINGTON, Va. (CNS) — Praying is now so 21st century. Instead of a paperback missalette, there’s iMissal. Instead of prayer cards, there’s a touch-screen Saint A Day. Instead of randomly jotting down prayer requests, there’s a digitally organized list in PrayerSteward. These three applications — better known as… Read More ›


World’s tallest Cross of St. Benedict to be unveiled in Peru

Lima, Peru, Jun 23, 2010 / 06:08 pm (CNA).- The world’s tallest Cross of St. Benedict will be unveiled on July 11 in the Lima suburb of Pachacamac by the monks from the Monastery of the Incarnation. According to the monks, the cross towers to a height of 42 feet and can be seen for… Read More ›


Biblical and Patristic Resource

The following site will be permanently linked from the Oblate site for ease of reference in the future. The BIBLindex project is managed by the “Institut des Sources Chretiennes.” The first stage of the project is completed. An index of approximately 400,000 biblical quotations and references from Greek and Latin patristic texts of the first… Read More ›


Pew Forum contrasts secular, religious media coverage of abuse scandal

Washington D.C., Jun 12, 2010 / 05:06 pm (CNA).- A new study published on Friday by the Pew Forum contrasts the differences in media coverage of the clerical sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church by secular and religious news outlets. Among the significant finds of the report are the fact that the Holy Father… Read More ›


Modern men and women have ‘profound longing’ for Jesus

Vatican City, Jun 1, 2010 / 12:44 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- At a traditional procession in the Vatican gardens marking the end of May, the Holy Father addressed the thousands of faithful who gathered to pray the Rosary. The Pope encouraged the faithful, saying, modern “men and women have a profound longing” for Jesus, even if… Read More ›


Vatican approves new English translation of the Mass

Washington D.C., May 1, 2010 / 06:13 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- After eight years of work, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has approved a new translation of Roman Missal that contains the new text of the Mass in English. Once the missal is published in English, it will be gradually… Read More ›


Hitler ‘wanted to steal’ Turin Shroud

The Turin Shroud, said to be the burial cloth of Christ, was secretly hidden in a Benedictine abbey during the Second World War because the Vatican feared that Adolf Hitler wanted to steal it. The Telegraph, Nick Squires: Rome. April 6, 2010. The shroud was transferred for its safety to the Benedictine sanctuary of Montevergine… Read More ›
