Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Church News & Info rss

General Church news and information related to Benedictine community or teachings

Supreme Court rules in favor of church in crucial First Amendment case

Washington D.C., Jun 26, 2017 / 11:32 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In one of the biggest religious cases of the term, the US Supreme Court on Monday ruled that a church-owned playground can be eligible for a public benefit program. Chief Justice John Roberts, delivering the opinion of the Court, wrote June 26 that “the exclusion of… Read More ›


Help! My pastor wants to make the church pretty, and I want to feed the poor!

Sound like any parishes you know? ——————————————- Aletetia: Why be either/or when we can be both/and? Katrina, At my parish the priest has started a fundraising campaign for church renovations. He’s trying to raise a hundred thousand dollars to purchase statues, install a mural, fix up the confessionals, and add an altar rail. He also… Read More ›


43 Facts About Love, Sex, Dating And Marriage That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

Is it more difficult for a woman to find a husband in America today compared to several decades ago?  If a couple lives together before marriage, are they more likely or less likely to get divorced?  Are married men more satisfied with their intimate relationships than single men are?  You will get answers to these… Read More ›


Pope Francis: ‘consult the Bible as often as your cellphone’

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday called on Christians to consult the Bible with the same frequency as they might consult their cellphones for messages. Speaking to the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square following his weekly Angelus blessing, the Pope urged those present to give the Bible the same place in daily life as… Read More ›


Pope skewers journalists who focus on scandal

Vatican City, Dec 7, 2016 / 09:49 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis gave an interview to a Belgian magazine in which he cautioned media to avoid several major temptations, including the desire to always focus on scandal – which he compared to “coprophilia,” a mental illness in which a person has an abnormal interest in… Read More ›


Young girl’s astonishing recovery is being investigated as a miracle

WICHITA, KAN.: After nurses helped save Avery Gerleman’s life 10 years ago, she vowed to become a nurse like them. She’s almost there: Gerleman is scheduled to get pinned as a licensed practical nurse on Dec. 20. But the latest twist in her story? Erin Hageman and other nurses who helped save her at Wesley Medical… Read More ›


Irish worker discovers ancient manuscript that links Irish church to Egypt

The conservator called the finding miraculous: “We never before had to deal with a manuscript recovered from a bog.” In 2006 an Irish worker discovered an amazing find while digging in a bog with his backhoe at Fadden More. Sticking out of the earth was an ancient manuscript, miraculously intact after more than a thousand… Read More ›


Pope at Jubilee Closure: ‘If You Give God a Chance…He Is Ready to Start Your Life Anew’

ZENIT: “As soon as we give God the chance, He remembers us. He is ready to completely and forever cancel our sin, because his memory – unlike our own – does not record evil that has been done or keep score of injustices experienced.” Pope Francis said this during his homily for the Closure of… Read More ›


Remains of Archbishop Fulton Sheen to be moved to Peoria

Archbishop Sheen’s Cause may now restart after being suspended for two years The remains of Archbishop Fulton Sheen are to be moved from St Patrick’s Cathedral in New York to the Illinois city of Peoria after a two-year dispute between the two dioceses. A New York judge ruled in favour of a lawsuit launched by… Read More ›


Proposed six new beatitudes from Pope Francis

Change comes from the bottom up in any culture. Our leaders can’t do that. If we live our faith it will show in how we treat others and love them. Below are six new beatitudes the pope wants us to live out. And no, he is not going to put them in the bible. It… Read More ›
