Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Church News & Info rss

General Church news and information related to Benedictine community or teachings

NC Voter Guide

NC Family has created a website to help get better information to the voters on a wide variety of subjects. You can download the whole guide or you can use this website to give a condensed version for just your voting district. NC Family has been doing this since 2000 and is totally non-partisan. You are… Read More ›


About those unthinking, backward Catholics

CatholicPhilly: Back in 2008, in the weeks leading up to the Obama-McCain presidential election, two young men visited me in Denver. They were from Catholics United, a group describing itself as committed to social justice issues. They voiced great concern at the manipulative skill of Catholic agents for the Republican Party. And they hoped my… Read More ›


Philadelphia Archbishop: Hillary Clinton is a ‘Scheming, Robotic Liar’

Breitbart News: Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput has echoed a burning indictment of Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, calling her a “scheming, robotic liar with a lifelong appetite for power and an entourage riddled with anti-Catholic bigots.” Reacting to recent Wikileaks revelations that show Hillary’s campaign team mocking conservative Catholics and boasting of subverting Church teaching,… Read More ›


Priests for Life: Comparison of Party Platforms

(Reposted from September). There has been a lot of information distributed through the media and the internet on the different positions of the candidates on the issues, particularly those issues that have an impact on Christians. Priests for Life provided a comparison of the positions of the different political parties and candidates relating to the following issues:… Read More ›


Clinton Campaign Chairman Plots “Revolution” with the Church

It has long been the position of this website to promote Benedictine spirituality and stay away from the various debates among political parties in the United States. Recent information released from Wikileaks as made it very clear, however, that there are elements within the Democrat Party and specifically the Clinton campaign attempting to sow the… Read More ›


A Remarkable Scrap of Paper

Back when Pope Francis was visiting New York City last year, including Ground Zero, he was shown an eerie artifact of that horrid event. As The New York Times reported, during the visit, it was biblical text that had fused to steel during the meltdown. “A firefighter found the fragment in March 2002, under the… Read More ›


Enough ‘comfort Catholicism.’ The Church must prepare for persecution.

WASHINGTON, D.C., August 23, 2016 (NCRegister) — There is a growing consternation among some Catholics that the Church, at least in her leadership, is living in the past. It seems there is no awareness that we are at war and that Catholics need to be summoned to sobriety, increasing separation from the wider culture, courageous… Read More ›


Sale of saint relics on eBay sparks Catholic outcry

Ryan Scheel was shopping for a rosary on eBay when one listing caught him off guard. A first class relic of the bone of a saint, still in its wax-sealed reliquary, was listed for sale – to the tune of $3,600. “The listing was crass enough to even describe the relic as ‘ex ossibus,’ a… Read More ›


Commemoration of St. Mary Magdalene raised to a Feast

(Vatican Radio) It was announced on Friday Pope Francis has decided to raise the celebration of the memorial of St. Mary Magdalene to the dignity of a liturgical Feast. In the modern Church calendar, saints may be commemorated with a memorial (optional or obligatory), feast, or solemnity. The decree was signed on 3 June 2016,… Read More ›


A Hidden Surprise in the Sistine Chapel

How much do you know about the Sistine Chapel? Did you know, for example, that it began as a private chapel for Church elites—the “ultimate ecclesiastical man cave”? The Chapel, which attracts 5 million visitors per year, isn’t just an obligatory stop on an art history tour of Italy, it is a living history of… Read More ›
