Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Lives of Saints rss

Stories and biographies of the Saints and Blessed.

Feast of the Guardian Angels: A Story

If you should be in any danger, of soul or body, call on your Guardian Angel; and I assure you that he will help you and free you. St. John Bosco In the wee hours of the morning Dr. Brown was jarred from sleep by the insistent ringing of the phone. He remembers groggily groping… Read More ›


St. Gregory the Great

We encountered Abba John the Persian at the Lavra of Monidia and he told us this about Gregory the Great, the most blessed Bishop of Rome: “I went to Rome to pray at the tombs of the most blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul. One day as I was standing in the city-centre I saw that… Read More ›


Life of St. Bernard

I have ascended to the highest in me, and look! the Lord is towering above that. In my curiosity I have descended to explore my lowest depths, yet I found him even deeper. If I looked outside myself, I saw him stretching beyond the furthest I could see; and if I looked within, he was… Read More ›


St. Dominic: He spoke with God or about God

Dominic possessed such great integrity and was so’strongly motivated by divine love, that without a doubt he proved to be a bearer of honour and grace. He was a man of great equanimity, except when moved to compassion and mercy. And since a joyful heart animates the face, he displayed the peaceful composure of a… Read More ›


Pope Francis thinking about declaring Pius XII a saint

Vatican City, Jul 31, 2013 / 11:05 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis is considering whether he will make Pope Pius XII a saint, in the same way that he approved the cause of John XXIII. A source who works at the Vatican’s Congregation for Causes of Saints, who asked for anonymity, told CNA July 25… Read More ›


St. Henry II: Co-patron of Benedictine Oblates

Henry, surnamed the Pious, Duke of Bavaria, became successively King of Germany and Emperor of the Romans; but not satisfied with a mere temporal principality, he strove to gain an immortal crown, by paying zealous service to the eternal King. As emperor, he devoted himself earnestly to spreading religion, and rebuilt with great magnificence the… Read More ›


Miracles of the Rosary: Fr Patrick Peyton

Fr Patrick Peyton was born on January 9,1909 in County Mayo, Ireland. He was the sixth among a family of nine children. At age 19 he and his brother, Tom, emigrated to the United States. He wanted to become a priest but his family in Ireland could not financially afford the required education. He moved… Read More ›


St. Odo of Cluny

. . . St Odo was a true spiritual guide both for the monks and for the faithful of his time. In the face of the “immensity of the vices widespread in society, the remedy he strongly advised was that of a radical change of life, based on humility, austerity, detachment from ephemeral things and… Read More ›


Work as an expression of love

22. Work was the daily expression of love in the life of the Family of Nazareth. The Gospel specifies the kind of work Joseph did in order to support his family: he was a carpenter. This simple word sums up Joseph’s entire life. For Jesus, these were hidden years, the years to which Luke refers… Read More ›


St. Catherine of Siena: Peacemaker

  If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world ablaze. St. Catherine of Sienna St. Catherine was a third-order Dominican, peacemaker and counselor to the Pope. She single-handedly ended the Avignon exile of the successors of Peter in the 14th century. She is the co-patron of Italy and of Europe. Born in… Read More ›
