Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Lives of Saints rss

Stories and biographies of the Saints and Blessed.

Apparition of St. Michael

The history of the former feast of the Apparition of St. Michael is very remarkable. In the year 404, a wealthy man had a large herd of cattle grazing on Monte Gargano in Italy, not far from the once famous city of Siponto. One day a steer went astray from the herd and did not… Read More ›


Pope John Paul I sainthood cause moves forward

Vatican City, Nov 13, 2006 / 12:00 am (CNA).- The diocesan phase of the beatification process of Pope John Paul I, who reigned for only 33 days, came to completion on Saturday at the cathedral of his native diocese of Belluno. The Vatican’s Congregation for the Causes of the Saints gave its permission to open… Read More ›


My Uncle, (Venerable) Fulton Sheen

Joan Sheen Cunningham remembers life with her uncle, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, who was the face of the American Catholic Church for decades. Pope Benedict XVI declared Archbishop Fulton Sheen (1895-1979) “venerable” on June 28, and the Illinois-native could soon become the first male American-born saint. A few generations back he was the face of the… Read More ›


The “ABCs” of Blessed Mother Teresa

Always have the courage to say sorry Be kind, be compassionate Control your judgements Don’t let yourself get discouraged Every minute is precious don’t waste your time Find out what is nice in each other Give until it hurts Have deep respect for each other If you really want to love God, love one another… Read More ›


The Truth About Pope Pius the XII

Former Spy Speaks on Plot to Frame Pontiff ROME, AUG. 16, 2012 (Zenit.org). By Edward Pentin- General Ion Mihai Pacepa is not easy to track down. He remains in hiding for his own protection, rarely gives interviews, and will only be contacted by email through an intermediary. As a former Romanian intelligence chief who defected… Read More ›


St. Dominic

Denver, Colo., Aug 5, 2012 / 07:08 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On Aug. 8, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of St. Dominic Guzman, who helped the cause of orthodoxy in the medieval Church by founding the Order of Preachers, also known as Dominicans. “This great saint reminds us that in the heart of the… Read More ›


Top Ten Saints For Sinners

If you’re struggling with sin, if temptations are half-killing you, if all seems lost – maybe have a word with one of the following in prayer, and ask for a little help. After all, as my parish priest always reminds me, we are a community. 1. St. Margaret of Cortona Formerly a mistress and rather… Read More ›


Fulfill what was asked for: Prayer and Penance

For many years — nearly from the onset of its release twelve years ago this week (on June 26, 2000) — there has been an undercurrent of skepticism about whether what the Vatican publicized as the “third secret” was the entire missive delivered by Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima, Portugal, who had received it,… Read More ›


St. Pachomius

St. Pachomius can justifiabley be called the founder of of cenobitic monasticism, monks who live in community. Even though St. Antony the Great was the first to go into the desert to live a life of seclusion pursuing evangelical perfection, he lived a heremitic life, that is, a primarily solitary life. Pachomius first started out… Read More ›


Peter the Venerable

. . . this holy monk is certainly a great example of monastic holiness, nourished from the sources of the Benedictine tradition. For him, the ideal of the monk consists in “adhering tenaciously to Christ” (Ep. 53, loc. cit., p. 161), in a cloistered life distinguished by “monastic humility” (ibid.) and hard work (Ep. 77,… Read More ›
